Informații plantă
  • Dragos - 6 ani în urmă
    • Zemos, roșu intens, cu pulpă minunată roșu pal. Pom de vigoare medie, coronament zvelt, flori roz, productivitate bogată. Perioada de maturare a fructelor: august- septembrie. Proaspăt culese ne oferă o experiență aromată, plăcută, dulce acrișoară. Datorită culorii roșii seducătoare este ideal pentru pregătirea sucurilor. Autopolenizator. Înălțimea la livrare: 100 cm. Înălţimea la maturitate: 3 m. Product information "Redlove® Circe®" Form/appearance: Medium to large, 80% dark red, high-built Texture/firmness: Firm and juicy summer apple, with beautiful, pink flesh Flavour/aroma: Sweet, with a little bit of sourness, slightly fragrant, a sparkling summer refreshment Growth/health: Medium to strong growth, pink flowers, reddish pink shoots, scab resistant...and very fertile! Harvest/maturity/storage: Harvest about 20 August, ready to eat once picked, a continuous harvest until early September is possible, the apples that were harvested in August can be stored until late September Final size of bush: Height: 2-3 m, crown diameter: 1.2-2 m Final height of espalier: Height: 2-3 m, length: 3 m Final size of semi-standard: Stem height: 1.1-1.3 m, crown height: 3-4 m, crown diameter: 3-4 m What are Redloves®? -the exclusive breeding by Lubera -a new type of fruit beyond the apple -the new flavour: refreshing with a hint of berry -healthy, thanks to the red ingredients - anthocyanins -beautiful, thanks to the pink flowers, red buds and red apples -resistant to scab Redloves® are the first good tasting, red-fleshed apples Apple varieties. Wait, did I hear apple? No, actually the Redloves® are a new type of fruit that is just as distinguishable from the apple as nectarines and peaches or grapefruits and oranges. Although Redloves® look almost like normal apples from the outside, the skin’s fluorescent red colour already hints about the inside from the start; about the inside and other values of this new type of fruit. And this is what characterises the Redloves®: Not only the red and sometimes pinkish red flesh, the wonderful markings in longitudinal and cross sections, but also a new aroma that is ultimately influenced by the red colouring agent and ingredients: a fresh fruitiness, with a hint of berry flavour, that characterises the sweet varieties. Beauty tastes good here...and is, thanks to the antioxidant colouring agent and ingredients that are several times more prevalent in the Redloves® than in apples, also healthy, too! Redloves® are first of all, thanks to the sugar and the aroma, suitable for fresh enjoyment; in addition, there are also no limits to the imagination in the kitchen: from fruit salad to cake and slices of Redloves, fresh and cooked, up to red love-sauce (not oxidised) and dried Redlove® rings...Try it all! It’s a feast for the eyes and the palate! => Zemos, roșu intens, cu pulpă minunată roșu pal. Pom de vigoare medie, coronament zvelt, flori roz, productivitate bogată. Perioada de maturare a fructelor: august- septembrie. Proaspăt culese ne oferă o experiență aromată, plăcută, dulce acrișoară. Datorită culorii roșii seducătoare este ideal pentru pregătirea sucurilor. Autopolenizator. Înălțimea la livrare: 100 cm. Înălţimea la maturitate: 3 m. Product information "Redlove® Circe®" Form/appearance: Medium to large, 80% dark red, high-built Texture/firmness: Firm and juicy summer apple, with beautiful, pink flesh Flavour/aroma: Sweet, with a little bit of sourness, slightly fragrant, a sparkling summer refreshment Growth/health: Medium to strong growth, pink flowers, reddish pink shoots, scab resistant...and very fertile! Harvest/maturity/storage: Harvest about 20 August, ready to eat once picked, a continuous harvest until early September is possible, the apples that were harvested in August can be stored until late September Final size of bush: Height: 2-3 m, crown diameter: 1.2-2 m Final height of espalier: Height: 2-3 m, length: 3 m Final size of semi-standard: Stem height: 1.1-1.3 m, crown height: 3-4 m, crown diameter: 3-4 m What are Redloves®? -the exclusive breeding by Lubera -a new type of fruit beyond the apple -the new flavour: refreshing with a hint of berry -healthy, thanks to the red ingredients - anthocyanins -beautiful, thanks to the pink flowers, red buds and red apples -resistant to scab Redloves® are the first good tasting, red-fleshed apples Apple varieties. Wait, did I hear apple? No, actually the Redloves® are a new type of fruit that is just as distinguishable from the apple as nectarines and peaches or grapefruits and oranges. Although Redloves® look almost like normal apples from the outside, the skin’s fluorescent red colour already hints about the inside from the start; about the inside and other values of this new type of fruit. And this is what characterises the Redloves®: Not only the red and sometimes pinkish red flesh, the wonderful markings in longitudinal and cross sections, but also a new aroma that is ultimately influenced by the red colouring agent and ingredients: a fresh fruitiness, with a hint of berry flavour, that characterises the sweet varieties. Beauty tastes good here...and is, thanks to the antioxidant colouring agent and ingredients that are several times more prevalent in the Redloves® than in apples, also healthy, too! Redloves® are first of all, thanks to the sugar and the aroma, suitable for fresh enjoyment; in addition, there are also no limits to the imagination in the kitchen: from fruit salad to cake and slices of Redloves, fresh and cooked, up to red love-sauce (not oxidised) and dried Redlove® rings...Try it all! It’s a feast for the eyes and the palate! Denumire stiintifica: Malus domestica ‚Redlove’ Denumire soi de mar: Redlove Origine: soiurile Redlove au fost obtinute de catre Markus Kobelt in Elvetia. Acestea au fost obtinute prin incrucisarea soiurilor cu pulpa rosie si a celor rezistente la rapan. In prezent gama de pere Redlove cuprinde numeroase cultivaruri: Redlove Circe (mar de vara-toamna), Redlove Odysso, Redlove Cuckoo, Redlove Era (mai suculent), Redlove Calypso (mai dulce si aromat). Vigoarea pomului: soi cu vigoare mica-mijlocie, se cultiva in livezi superintensive si intensive Inflorire: perioada de inflorire este mijlocie-tarzie (aprilie-mai); Perioada maturarii fructelor: soiuri de toamna, septembrie-octombrie Marimea fructului: mijlocie-mare, fructe de circa 225 grame Culoarea fructului “pielitei”: de un rosu-aprins superb (Vezi fig.). Forma fructului: este sferica (Vezi fig.). Gustul: fructul este acidulat, cu aroma specifica Pulpa: rosie, crocanta, suculenta bogata in antociani (contine cu 40 % mai multi antioxidati comparativ cu celelalte mere) Pastrarea fructelor: fructele pot fi pastrate pana la 3-4 luni de la recoltare, in conditii de depozitare speciale (depozite cu atmosfera si temperatura controlate) Utilizare: consum in stare proaspata, suc si gatit. Polenizare: necesita polenizator Inmultire: Soiul de mar Redlove se inmulteste prin altoire, efectuata primavara sau vara-toamna. Fertilizarea pomilor fructiferi: se va face utilizand tehnologiile de fertilizare dezvoltate de: YARA, Sumi Agro, Nufarm. Boli – soi de mar tolerant la rapanul marului (Venturia inaequalis).