Ceapa "North Holland Blood Red Redmate"  Bot. Allium cepa
Un excelent soi de ceapa. Poate fi recoltata ca ceapa verde pentru salata sau lasata pentru a cultiva bulbii. Bulbul este de un rosu intens si are o aroma usoara dulce.

Germineaza in 10-14 zile si este gata de cules incepand cu a 60-a zi pana la 120 de zile.

North Holland Blood Red 'Redmate' is an excellent duel purpose variety of onion. It can be harvested early and eaten as a mild salad onion or, if l if thinned to 7.5cm (5in) between plants and left to grow it will produce beautiful coloured, mild flavoured bulbs
It is a colourful variety which is red near the base and recommended to liven up the salad bowl.

Red bulb onions are mild and the sweetest tasting of all onions. They are usually used raw on sandwiches or chopped as a condiment. Red bulb onions mature in the late summer and store well. Red onions are sometimes referred to as Italian onions.
Purchase - Date Feb 2017
Purchase - Shop Name semintelegumeflori.ro
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