Chiparos leyland  Bot. Cupressocyparis Leylandii
Este un conifer de talie medie, poate atinge o inaltime de 15m. Coroana este mai rara la exemplarele tinere si se indeseste la maturitate. Prezinta crestere rapida si este utilizat in special pentru gard viu dar se poate cultiva si solitar. Vegeteaza bine in sol usor acid, dar accepta si sol neutru, usor alcalin, are nevoie de umezeala.
Details - Care Trim your Leylandii hedge once (or at most, twice a year). Some people recommend trimming it three times (or more!) a year but this isn’t necessary and, in fact, can weaken the Leylandii hedge especially in years of drought or during other forms of stress. Leylandii hedges that are trimmed too many times do not get a chance to put on any re-growth before the spring, so they are more likely to suffer from problems.

If you do not trim your Leylandii hedge each year, it will grow up to 3ft (90cm) a year and quickly get to a height where you need to call in a professional tree surgeon or get specialist equipment such as hedge cutting platforms. If you keep your hedge at a height of 6-8ft (2-3m), it is much easier to trim than if it is 10-15ft (4-5m) in height.

We trim most of our hedges once a year. We do have tall hedges that are 12ft tall (4m) and we use a Henchman Hi-Step Platform to reach these hedges. These Leylandii hedges provide an excellent windbreak for our polytunnels.

Always leave about 4 inches (10cm) of green foliage on the hedge, before you get to the brown wood inside the hedge. If you cut it really hard back so there is barely any green foliage left on the hedge, you are likely to get problems if the plants undergo any type of stress, such as hot and dry conditions that can scorch the foliage or reduce the capacity for the hedge to re-grow.

Trim your Leylandii hedge back to the same height and width every year – you can see where it was trimmed the previous year – this ensures it stays the same height and width and doesn’t grow taller or wider each year. Try and leave your hedge slightly wider at the bottom than at the top.

Trim your Leylandii hedge in the spring or summer months. This gives the hedge a chance to recover and put on a bit of re-growth before the winter but try to avoid trimming your hedge during periods of very hot or dry weather. Also, recent research has shown that trimming your Leylandii hedge in late autumn can possibly make it more susceptible to winter attack from Cypress Aphid. However, watch out for nesting birds from March to July, as it is illegal to disturb nesting birds.

You can trim your hedge with a sharp pair of shears or a hedgetrimmer. Make sure the blades are sharp on your hedgetrimmer so it cuts the branches rather than ripping them off. Clear off any trimmings from the top of the hedge (we use a leaf rake to do this), if you leave them on, they will rot and can cause disease.
Care - Planting Este preferabila plantarea primavara, pentru ca in prima iarna poate suferi din cauza gerului. Vesnic verde.
Nume Foto
Berckmann’s Blight – Necrozarea sau uscarea ramurilor din exterior spre interiorul coroanei
Apare: March
Vizualizează Alterează
Cercospora Needle Blight – Uscarea ramurilor din interior spre exteriorul coroanei
Apare: April
Vizualizează Alterează
Kabatina thujae – Uscarea plantelor
Apare: April
Vizualizează Alterează
Dozare corecta pesticide / fertilizant
Apare: Tot timpul
Vizualizează Alterează

Jurnal operatiuni

Stropire SFG - Centru 1x8 29 Mar 2021

30g - Dithane M45, 45g - Alcupral 50, 11.3ml Ortiva 250sc - la un vermorel de 15L. Stropit cu Cifarelli, setat pe ~2.3. Ajung 2 vermorele pentru toti Thuja.

Stropire SFG - Centru 1x8 13 May 2020

30g - Dithane M45, 45g - Alcupral 50, 11.3ml Ortiva 250sc - la un vermorel de 15L. Stropit cu Cifarelli, setat pe ~2.3. Ajung 2 vermorele pentru toti Thuja (unul de 15 litri si unul de 10 litri).
Alcupral 50 PU Dithane M 45 Ortiva Top

Fertilizare SFG - Centru 1x8 09 Jul 2019

Fertilizare cu Myr Zinc Manganese (la atomizor Cifarelli) - de 3 ori plin cu cate 17 litri (setat pe volum de substanta #3 la atomizor ) si am stropit tot in gradina (mai putin Thuja de catre Macovei)

Stropire SFG - Centru 1x8 03 Jul 2019

Stropit cu 4 vermorele. Cireșii aveau frunzele cu puncte roșii multe, destul de afectați toți mai puțin primul de la beci (mare) și cei 2 din spate sera - restul erau afectați destul de urat (frunze picate, ca toamna). Vișinii erau afectați binisor. Fasolele erau cuprinse de mana, pepenii roșii și galbeni și dovleceii avea pătate postulara. Thuja arătau bine (câțiva de nota 7-8 sunt spre Macovei)
Zeama bordeleza - Bouille bordelaise WDG Fasole concentrația 0,75% Timp de pauză: 0 zile

Plantare/Semănare SFG - Centru 1x8 01 May 2018

Plantat - era la ghiveci, cred ca in jur de 1m inaltime

Observatii SFG - Centru 1x8 01 Jan 2017

Cercospora Needle Blight asta e boala

La atomizor de 15 litri : 30g - Dithane M45, 45g - Alcupral 50, 11.3ml Ortiva 250sc. Preferat de stropit cu Cifarelli, setat pe ~2.3. Ajung 2 vermorele pentru toti Thuja (unul de 15 litri si unul de 10 litri).

Sfarsit aprilie - inceput mai [1-3 tratamente]
Sfarsit iunie - [1-3 tratamente]
Inceput octombrie - [1 tratament]